Sheep Wool Insulation

Sheep wool insulation product range

The Insulation that can do more

Used in a variety of ways

1 – Gabled ceiling

2 – Roof Premium, Optimal

3 – Ceiling – Premium, Opitimal, Comfort Acoustic Ceiling

4 – Wall – Premium / Optimal

5 – Timber – Premium/ Optimal Wooden frame construction – Premium/ Optimal Facade – Premium/ Optimal

6 – Floor – Premium/ Optimal/ Comfort Silentwood floor (pre-fitted with a breathable paper) / Silentwood Joist / Silentwood Carpet

7 – Window and door filler

Why Use 100% Pure Sheep Wool Insulation

Sheep Wool is an Outstanding

Insulator Isolenawolle achieves Top insulation values by its very nature and insulation material.

Creates a Healthy Climate in the Room

Sheep wool is able to purify the air in a room with a very short space of time, removing many odours and harmful substances, such as formaldehyde.

Regulates Humidity

Sheep wool can absorb up to 33% of its own weight in moisture, without compromising its insulating effect.

Sound Insulation & Fire Protection

Sheep wool has very good sound absorption Properties. Depending on the product, our sheep’s wool insulation achieves a fire classification of C or D according to EN 13 501-1.’

Is a Sustainable Raw Material

As a natural product, sheep wool is shorn twice a year and can be returned to the environmental cycle at any time.

Ionic Protect®, The New, Innovative Wool Protection

WOOL PROTECTION is the most useful invention since virgin sheep wool to be used as insulation protection. Biocide-free, permanent and CUAP tested.